Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai Episode 5

November 1, 2010

With the beautiful and respectful Ayase showing a drastically different side of her and Kyousuke worrying about her friendship with Kirino ending more than she was, I would’ve thought that receiving a swift kick to the groin was a good sign for Kyousuke to start rethinking why he’s going to such lengths for his little sister.

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Sekirei -Pure Engagement- Episode 12

September 22, 2010

I almost thought I was watching The Tower of Druaga again when Minaka announced that Minato had sixty minutes to get to the top of Teito Tower. The difference was, it turned out to be frantic race up 108 floors that they had to climb using stairs alone. The amazing thing is that Minato didn’t tirealong the way and kept up with Musubi, Tsukiumi, and Kazehana just fine.

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K-ON!! S2 Episode 22

September 1, 2010

It’s coming up to Valentine’s Day as we hit K-ON!!’s twenty-second episode, leaving Azusa pondering what to do about giving her seniors in the light music club chocolate – A quandary that seems like a no-brainer until you remember that we are talking about a club that includes Tsumugi, after all. Read the rest of this entry ?


High School of the Dead Episode 9

August 30, 2010

While the fortuitous arrival of Takagi’s mother has reprieved most of the bunch of feisty high school students from their fate, poor old Takashi and Saeko are left stranded from the rest of their party with little option other than to make their own way back to Takagi’s home. Read the rest of this entry ?


Strike Witches S2 Episode 7

August 19, 2010

Given the fact that the original series of the already daft Strike Witches chose episode seven for its most fan service-laden instalment, and judging by its preview last week, I was very much expecting a similar ride for this seventh episode of Strike Witches 2. Along those lines I certainly wasn’t disappointed. Read the rest of this entry ?


Shiki Episode 3

July 24, 2010

Despite introducing us to characters by the barrel-load in its first two episodes, it appears that Shiki isn’t done quite yet, as this third installment brings forth another bunch of characters to add to the ever-expanding cast. Read the rest of this entry ?